I have decided to take a break from watching some Movies, because I found out they were reducing my IQ and even my EQ. They have no end and no starting point and I just wonder… are we so far away from Perfection. I mean some Nollywood movies are top notch but some are just bland. So I started watching lots of Hallmark Movies… I think it’s the best thing I’ve discovered since Alexander Fleming discover Penicillin. This isn’t a Movie Excerpt … its about what I learnt and I would love to share. So I saw a Movie , its all wrapped around a family. A story about a Workaholic girl who is very successful and complete all by herself. She thinks she needed no one, until a lady that called herself Psychology Transporter sent her to the future… wait a second did you watch or read Charles Dicken’s “A Christmas Carrol” I strongly recommend it. Like I was saying, the lady was transported to the future and she met herself with a husband,...