image from google I don't know if its only me that belong to this school of thought. But I quite believe there's nothing like Right in this life, meaning for all that you are or that you have is a Privilege, it's not a right. That you are living isn't a RIght many people better than you know have gone down the grave way way back and you are still here sucking just because you didn't get all that you wished I hope you sure know that the difference between a Living dog and a dead Lion is HOPE A lion thou more powerful than a Dog, of what use is it when He's Dead. The fact that you can walk is a Privilege not a right I have seen far better people more deserving and you are here wailing and crying for all that you wished and dreamed for That You can breathe is a blessing not a right the other day, i saw a 6 month old baby boy breathing with the aid of the back pack Oxygen and you think you deserve better than that young blood wake up and smel...