I have been reading a book, I've been so slow on the book, it about Apple. So when I got to this chapter title THINK HUMAN.. there were line of Poems that change my world forever. I will surerly never be the same.. There was something I learnt in Teenagers Camp, It says What determines what a man will be now and what a man will be now and in a Decade's time are two Major things
1.The People he meets
2. The books he Reads
Why didnt I read this boo ages ago, I would have had a lot of Depth and lots of Meaning to my life.
I will recommend for you to Read the APPLE STORY(INSANELY SIMPLE) if you can find it, Buy, Borrow or Steal but pls return if you steal:)
Watch This Below Advert and I promise you will never thin the same.... For me this is a life time encounter
Video source # Youtube
love love loves.. this post