Image from google O h Mother, How can I even pay you for the gazillion little things you did the ones I knew, and the one I never knew Oh Mother, For those lonely nights with little or no food for the days we had to trade eating for walking all for the sake of me Oh Mother, For the time you had me in your womb and nuture me to become whom I have become OH Mother You taught me to be strong in the mist of discomfort you also told me the true test of a man are his strength admits distress Dear Mother, Your heart as pure as a brook as shinning as a gold this I inherited from you to be just and fair with a good heart Dear Mother The strongest and most powerful SIX LETTER WORD IN THE UNIVERSE My light on a lonely night my Rainbow on a cloudy day I Love you NOW, FOREVER AND ALWAYS 🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝 Copyright SiyanInspires 2019 31/03/19 10:08GMT