
Showing posts from November, 2020


Image copyright John Howard  I didn't know you were in my belly but when I heard your heart beat! SO LOUD and clear! I knew without a shadow of doubt  that you were going to fill my heart  with Joy and gladness You my boy has been here by my side,  when I'm happy, when I'm sad when I'm worried about our next meal or when we are merry about the next deal You my boy has been a gift from God Life has toss me up and I'm glad I can also toss in the middle of the night knowing you are right beside me even though you are pushing me off the bed  with no sympathy You my boy has been a  gift from God In my despair, in my pain In my glory, in my gain I have come to know one thing that! You my boy!! Are sure a gift from God! This is for my Chubby Chubby  My EniTboy,  My mOsticocomilo,  My Son! Copyright SiyanSpires 2020


  WOW!!!  2020 AD(After the death of our Lord), I mean it's not over but we can both attest to the fact that it's been an extraordinary year!  Don't give me an horrible look cos the fact that you are able to read this actually means it's an Extraordinary year!, Our life has been transformed, for most of us forever!  Sigh! But you know one thing that has been constant! The word of God! During the course of the week, one verse stood out for me "The word of GOD is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path" Let's break it down.... Imagine having a lamp under your feet? How is that even possible! But that's what the word God does. Having a lamp unto a feet  means  we will never walk alone,  We will never be confused,  we will never be in darkness,  we shall always know what to do! I want the Lamp! The word of God is also a light unto my path!  This is deep! well, it depends on the context that which you are looking at it from, in my own terms, it simply me