Copyright Siyanspires This week is so challenging, first I lost my Pass, secondly I didn’t have food, thirdly I was a bit broke, but you wouldn't know that, thanks to my shiny Vaseline that makes me feel on point… To be honest I love what has really happened to me this week, it was just a reminder that I still exist, that I’m human and that I’m not Immune… Maybe you don’t understand, you never will, even in the mist of it I still manage to say THANK YOU Lord, my bestie said you only give thanks to God when he’s done something for you, I strongly disagree cos its in the low period that God tend to mould us from the pieces and shape us to what HE’s called us to do… I wish I could share all my experiences….. but I don't thinK the Time is now…but I will share one of my Favourite ones When I was in Uni there was a time when I was so broke and there was no where to turn to I only had I think 50 naira, equivalent of 10p, I was as skinny as a church rat, even...