
Showing posts from April, 2018


Copyright SiyanSpires CHOOSE YOUR BATTLE WISELY/ BE CONSISTENT WHILST FIGHTING YOUR BATTLE This Post shoudn't  be titled choose your battle wisely, it should be called  SOME BATTLES ARE TO MAKE US but as I would like to continue the Trend, I would like to to still name it Choose your battle wisely.. For some or so many battles , they are to propel us to the next phase of our LIfe. So if you dont fight the battle you wont move to the phase. There are so many practical examples one of which for instance when you were in school, you would have to write many exams to progress to the next class, even in universities if you don't pass a course, You would have to carry it over... and redo it until you pass to be able to graduate So also in life if you dont fight a battle successfully, I mean the battle you have to fight not the ones you have to ignore, then you will continue to fight and if care is not taken, you will pass it to your generation, so it becomes a ge...


copyright SiyanSpire 2018 I Had to decide to write another one on this, simply because i felt time and space didnt permit me to express myself enough. Hmmmm... Did I say i had to delete one of my social app, yes oh!! I had to delete it because I was so addicted to it, that i get to use it in my dream🙍When I wake up, its the first thing I  pick. Can you just believe that.. I mean  I do not even thick of praying or studying the word ,.That was when I new I was in trouble so boom I had to delete it, Battle Won!!! I didnt intend for my post to go like this today I wanted it to take a different dimension but I'm only going to submit myself and let the spirit take over. So yes, There are some battles that  will be won by deleting and getting rid of anything that has become a second or mini God because truly.... If anything else has taken the place of God, then you are twice has likely , better still you stand a chance of been defeated....... Ponder on th...


copyright siyanspire 2018 CHOOSE YOUR BATTLE WISELY I've been wanting to write this post for a while now, but lots of things just  kept poping out. Honestly.. but I had to settle down to write this post. Even as i'm typing not just my fingers are tired of typing my mouth ditto, you may want to ask for how that relate to what i'm writing, but I just  want  you to know the writer's tune. So straight to the Point.. Today we are talking about Life battles, do you know there are different types of battles in Life and God empowers us to fight each one differently. ThERE are battles that only GOd will fight for you, meaning you cannot fight alone TheRE are battles that You will fight with God beside you... There are battles that you can only fight with silence, meaning all that you have to do is to keep quite and be calm...and BOOM! Battle is wON! There are battles that you have to ignore because if you waste  your energy on it, it will drain you an...