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copyright siyanspire 2018 |
I've been wanting to write this post for a while now, but lots of things just kept poping out. Honestly..
but I had to settle down to write this post.
Even as i'm typing not just my fingers are tired of typing my mouth ditto, you may want to ask for how that relate to what i'm writing, but I just want you to know the writer's tune.
So straight to the Point..
Today we are talking about Life battles, do you know there are different types of battles in Life
and God empowers us to fight each one differently.
ThERE are battles that only GOd will fight for you, meaning you cannot fight alone
TheRE are battles that You will fight with God beside you...
There are battles that you can only fight with silence, meaning all that you have to do is to keep quite and be calm...and BOOM! Battle is wON!
There are battles that you have to ignore because if you waste your energy on it, it will drain you and make you weak and when the main battle comes, you are already tired.
Lastly there are battles that you will fight all by yourself, you alone will fight God has given you the resources, he has deposited more than enough for you, he has enhance you.
Do you remember the Story of David?
I remember my kindergarten song
# little David kill Goliath hallelujah
# little David was a shepherd Boy he killed Goliath
#and shouted for joy !!
Do you know that God empowered David whilst he was tending to his father's sheep, he acquired skills to kill a lion and some other wild animals..
Then David said to the Philistine, "You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have taunted.
Copyright SiyanSpires 2018
@19:41 gmt
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